Are Quantaray lenses really bad lenses?

I'm going to buy a camera online and it has a really good price so I thought it was just the body but it includes a Quantaray lens for nikon should I buy a good lens or is this an OK lens?

Quantaray lenses are the generic lenses sold by camera stores as "house" lenses and will do the job, but may not perform well for decades like an OEM lens will.
If you can afford NIkkor lenses, buy them by all means. While it is perfectly fine to buy an inexpensive Nikon camera and spend your money on a Nikkor lens that will last you for thirty or forty years, the reverse is not true.

Quantaray lenses are brands sold by Wolf Camera and Ritz Camera when they were making deals on cameras such as Canon and Nikon. They would add the Q lens, which cost them less and give them a bit more profit on the lens.
The lens will do the job and if you take care of it and don't knock it around, it will last. I was told by a long time manager at Wolf's that they were made by Tamron and Sigma, back and forth, depending on who go the contract to make them.