Nikon SLR Cameras

Do they still sell this item?

the lukky one
the lukky one

Okay i had an AWESOME nikon cool pix that took amazing pics about 2 years ago. I bought it from costco. Then when we went to ny my mom lost it in a cab. And now i can't find the exact model. The only colors it could come in was black or red. When you zoomed the lens DID NOT pop out.

Jim A
Jim A

2 years, in technology terms is a life time. That camera is most likely no longer made. You'll have to shop around for another camera model. Here's a good place to do research.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

I'd go to a store like Best Buy or Walmart & check out what they have now. They both have web sites you can log onto, as well as