Nikon SLR Cameras

Do any of you have Nikon J1?


I'll be going to the store to get a Nikon J1 and I want to know about it more from those who already has it.

so for those who has it, please tell me about this camera more! Its not too late to change my mind now, haha.


You'll be paying over $600 for a camera that doesn't have a viewfinder you can look through, nor a hot shoe for a flash. I think it has a cheap feel to it, and is hard to hold.
I'd buy a D3100 if I had the choice.


No I don't

Personally I'm. 50/50 on it. I mean it isn't smaller then lets say the MFT cameras. It does puts quite a lot under menu's in the software. Not on button mmm so.mmm the need for quick access. YET the good is it is quick, it focusses well, it does has very good image quality for its size sensor.

It even has a quite acceptable price, bit high but not Pentax Q idiot high!

Reading the reviews, seeing the pictures, I think the 1 system can actually yes be a good system. Its odd. It seems unlikable. Yet it functions well so!

I say go to a store and hold it in your hands. Try it out. Don't expect the lenses to be cheap though! Or small, the 10-100 is HUGE!

But do go for the V1, seriously. Hotshoe! In build flashes in cameras tend to be kinda weak.