Differences between Canon Rebel T3i and Canon Rebel T5i?

I originally had my heart set on the Canon Rebel T5i, but unfortunately the AGC (Auto Gain Control) is still a problem on this model and doesn't have any clear fix to it. This has caused me to look into the models that can use programs such as Magic Lantern (Which fix the AGC problem). At first glance I really can't see much difference. Aside from the price, are there any significant changes?

It seems that you are still planning on using the very poor audio recording system on a digital SLR. NO digital SLR can record high quality sound, even if you plug in a good external microphone.
What you may want to consider is to buy an external recording device like the Zoom H1. The technique is called dual sound. You can find tutorials on how to do this on Youtube.
AGC is always going to be a problem, so being able to control the amplification of sound is super important. The peak input needs to be -3 dB or lower so that you do not get clipping.
Below is a link that shows you how all that works with a sample of the sound recorded by an external sound recorder and the one on a camera. This issue is NOT camera specific, so buying a Nikon D5300, Pentax K5 or Sony SLT camera will not help when recording sound.

Yes, there really isn't much of a difference. All dSLR's are basically the same. It's those tiny features that make up the differences and if you don't need them, you may just as well pick any blindly.
AGC and Magic Lantern points to your application of this dSLR to video. Just as a reminder, the dSLR was never meant to do that. The correct tool is a digital camcorder.
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