Can Sony Alpha NEX-C3 compete with DSLRs?

Can Sony Alpha NEX-C3 an inter changeable lens camersa or ILC - can it compete in terms of picture quality with entry-level cameras such as Canon 550D, 600D, and Nikon's 3100?

In most aspects yes, but when it really comes down to details, a DSLR will win. Sony NEX cameras are just a hybrid combination of a DSLR and a point and shoot. In my opinion, they're more like upgraded point and shoots than downgraded DSLRs

I agree. They still have a smaller sensor and they're nothing but an over priced, glorified point and shoot with no view finder (ugh).
I own two of Canon's dslr cameras and they're both excellent… So I recommend the Rebel line.

Yes, (for ISO capability/image quality) the NEX range of cameras most definitely compare. That's because their image sensor is the exact same size (actually, minutely larger) than your average dSLR. And you do know that a number of these dSLR cameras are using sensors made by Sony?
The NEX-C3 produces better image quality (less noise) than the entry level Nikon D3100 (as seen in ISO samples in the link below). And it's image quality is also very close with the Canon models you mentioned, even better at some ISOs. For better image quality, look at the new NEX 5n instead.
Where you lose out with the NEX cameras is…
Cost (it's the high price you pay for buying small and buying a Sony).
Performance and handling (a dSLR will ALWAYS win).
Lens choice (Sony's lens choice is limited and some are quite dear, especially the Zeiss lenses) though you CAN use third party lenses or Sony A mount lenses, for which you will need to buy an adapter. The better adapter (the one which allows AF) is expensive.
No included viewfinder (if you want one, you will have to pay extra for it).
Compare ISO image samples in the link below to see for yourself…