Nikon SLR Cameras

Could I take a Nikon 1 j1 into the Canadian Molson Amphitheatre? - 1


I'm going to see One Direction at the Canadian Molson Amphitheatre on May 31st and would like to bring my camera into the concert. I'm just not sure if the camera would be allowed in the venue? If I take the lenses off of the camera, it can fit into my pocket, because without the lenses on it, it simply looks like a digital camera. I DO NOT want to take the camera in for video taping and taking professional pictures to sell, I simply want to take it in to take pictures of my favourite band. This is what the camera looks like What do you think?

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

That completely depends on what the performers want. I have been to shows where they allow DSLR cameras, and shows were if they see you taking pictures with your phone, they will ask you to leave.

call ahead and see what they say. Remember that security guards may or may not be versed in cameras, and they may call it a "professional camera" and tell you not to take it.


I made this account just to answer your question!

I personally emailed Canadian Molson Amphitheatre to see if I could bring my camera. I'm going to see the May 29th One Direction show. I only have a Fujifilm Finepix S1600 but I was still nervous for the same reason you are.

Anyways, they gave my camera the okay and I'm SURE that yours will be okay as well.