Nikon SLR Cameras

Cheap SLR camera for a beginner?

joubin vafamansouri
joubin vafamansouri

I want to buy a digital slr camera like a nikon d or a canon rebel but i'm looking for something under 200 dollars i know thats alot to ask but its only my first camera and i want a good one in my price range


You actually want to increase your budget by at least $300 because you won't be able to find a DSLR for $200 or less unless it's a Used DSLR which most likely that someone is trying to unload that DSLR because it's had been abused in one way or another.


300-500 would be good… The canon rebel xs is an amazing first time camera. (i'm trying to upgrade now tho) you can find it cheaper on amazon and ebay if you want that price range tho, they are either refurbished or had previous owners that take care of them. With this camera i've been able to do professional photoshoots and my clients have always been happy


Not going to happen under $200. You might get lucky enough to find someone unloading an old, outdated one on craigslist, but chances there are even slim to none. Sorry! You aren't even going to get a GOOD point and shoot or bridge camera under $200.


You can find some used DSLR's in that range but they will be fairly old ( by digital standards) and well used. I have seen Sony A100, Olympus E-300, Pentax ist, go for that price. Personally, you should think about $350 to $450. There are plenty of cameras available at that range.


It's hard to find SLR camera that is under $200. But I found one that very close to your budget: