Nikon SLR Cameras

Cheap film cameras preferably Nikon?


I need a film camera under 40 bucks.preferably nikon.


You can find good used 35 mm Nikon cameras with a standard lens for under $150, some as low as $40

Just spend some time looking on craigslist in a city near you and be paitent

Johnny Martyr
Johnny Martyr

Unless you get Really lucky, you can't buy a Nikon film camera of $40 or less without having to at least replace the light seals and/or do more routine (or non-routine) maintenance to it. And since you are not a camera expert, you probably will not realise anything is even wrong with the camera until you get several rolls of film back (minimum of $2 a roll and around $5 per roll to process and print) that are ruined. By that time, you may not even be able to return the $40 Nikon for a refund.

Your best bet is to look for something like a Nikon FG or EM on eBay or Craigslist and cross your fingers that you didn't just waste your only $40.

An even better bet would be to buy one of these or a Nikon FM or Nikkormat FT and standard 50mm lens from for $100+. Then you'd have a warranty and a camera that was inspected and maintained before it was sold to you.

After-all, to save $50 - $100 now and ruin your film and waste your and your models' (if you shoot people) is not really a savings at all.


Mr. Happy is Sad
Mr. Happy is Sad

Why Nikon? You can get an awesome Minolta SRT with a top lens for that price, but nothing with the Nikon name.