Nikon SLR Cameras

Cannon Or Nikon Camera? - 1

Kiallee Rose
Kiallee Rose

My birthday is coming up. Should i get a nikon, or a Cannon camera? Please reason why i should get that camera.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

Never shoot anyone with a cannon. It makes a lot of noise, and someone could get hurt.
Look at a Nikon D3100.It's now under $500 and is a great camera to start with.


Canon is spelled like the camera not the large gun. Nikon has come down in prices a bit from the 1960-1970's when it was strictly for pro's and prices went accordingly. However, today you have to make up your own mind. You need to handle the entry level cameras from both manufactures and possibly consider Pentax also. To see which camera you ENJOY handling, looking though, and feel comfortable with the location of the controls. This is a personnel choice, for you to blindly follow some one's advice is DUMB!