Can you put a filter or different lens on a dslr camera?

I have a nikon p500 dslr camera. And I was wondering if i could put lenses on it such as a fish eye lens? Sorry I'm new at this.

Filters; Maybe. Lenses; No. The Nikon p500 is a fixed lens camera, meaning you can't put other lenses on it.

Well, the P500 is not a DSLR; its a P&S. You can't changes lenses on the P500.It might have a thread on the front of the lens that you can add filters to - You can't put a real fish-eye on the P500, just a cheap junk filter that tries to act as a lens.

You can put a filter on it. You may need to get an adapter ring first. But your camera isn't a DSLR. So you can't change the lens.

Yes, you can change lenses on any DSLR… That's the whole point.
Unfortunately your camera is not a DSLR… It is a point and shoot.

You can put a filter on it, but you can't change the lens on that camera.
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