Nikon SLR Cameras

ND4 Neutral Density, CPL Lens Filter, UV Lens Filter and Flower Lens Hood?


I've just bought these accessories for my nikon DSLR. I'm wondering what is the arrangement to get the best photo. Which one should go first?


The first thing you need to do is take a class in photography.

Having a handful of tools and not knowing how to use them is a bummer.

Lens hoods should be pretty obvious. It reduces the chance of ghosting and flare when the primary light is to the front of the lens and casts light on the lenses front element

The UV filter is to protect the front element of your lens. Here is how that works


The circular polarizing filter is used when shooting landscapes and the camera is aimed at 90 degrees to the arc of the sun. This increases the blue in the sky and enhances the clouds that may be in the sky at the time.

The and filter is used to reduce the amount of light when stopping the lens down still produces a shutter speed that is to fast for creating certain effects like moving water looking like cotton

Spending money on accessories before you know what they do is sort of a waste of money.

Figure out what you need and then buy it.

It is not a good idea to stack filters… Use the one you need for whatever you are shooting.