Nikon SLR Cameras

Can you get SLR looking pics on a mirror less camera?

James T
James T

I have several DSLR camers (a sony A360 and my baby Sony a99).
I tried the Sony nex-5 and the Nikon v1 in store. Even tho the images were vivid and sharp the images didn't have that rich SLR look (contrast and color saturation).

I'm basically looking for a ultra portable cam that can take pro level images when I don't have my DSLRs around.


So is everyone else - it doesn't exist.


My Olympus E-PL3 (with the contrast turned down) certainly lacks the dynamic range of my Nikon D90. I would have expected the Sony NEX with APS-C sensor to give a result similar to a DSLR. Maybe it can. The default may be set to high punch and snappiness, but there may be adjustments that can tone that down.

Jim A
Jim A

I agree with Andrew. So many seem to think that they can get cheap or small cameras and get dslr results and that won't happen.

For me, another thing to consider since you're already familiar with dslr cameras, there's no view finder on any EVIL camera. They did this because there's so many "snappers" out there who don't want to know anything about their equipment… They only want to point, shoot and get great results.

If you're serious about photography don't waste your money on an EVIL camera. I'm reading comments now saying "I bought this thing, now I'm ready for a real camera".

G hound
G hound

Then maybe you should add the best of the mirror-free bunch to your collection?
The OM-D EM-5
People in the real world do some really nice things with it.

George Y
George Y

An EVIL camera can be a good backup, when your DSLR is too bulky to bring along. But remember, a smaller EVIL camera is designed to be a compromise where size is the most important factor. The lack of viewfinder drops you into another level of photography. Features are taken out, not added to.

A DSLR is a "whatever it takes" design, while and EVIL camera is a "what can we get away with removing" device.

If you're looking for a more portable alternative, I'd suggest you supplement with the Sony a37, or even one of the many smaller older models from the Sony line. Obviously, you have an investment in Sony Alpha-mount lenses, and that may be a better way to go for you.

I just made a similar decision and supplemented my Nikon D300 with a Nikon D90 body. I use the D300 for assignments, and the D90 is now my carry-around camera.