Nikon SLR Cameras

Can I use modern slr camera lenses with old cameras?


I want to get into photography very badly. I want to start off with an older camera because A. I don't have much money B. I like the vintage look of the pictures they take. I've found some cameras on Amazon for good prices that have really good ratings and what not. The thing is though, I want to be able to use different lenses with the camera (fish eye). Can I use modern camera lenses with old 35mm cameras?
The camera that I'm looking at is the Nikon N75.
Any suggestions?
Also, I know nothing about cameras, but you might have already been able to tell.


The Nikon N75 is a good model to start with. Nikon has used the same mounts for decades, so you should have no problem using modern lenses on the N75.

The one thing that you will need to watch out for is DX lenses. DX lenses are made for Nikon's digital SLR's. They will work on older film SLR's, but you will have vignetting (darkness) around the edges of the frames because DX cameras have image sensors that are smaller than a frame of 35mm film.

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

You can use most modern lenses on the n75. Only the DX lenses like the 18-xxx will not work properly.

Now, the "vintage" look you kids crave so much is a result of age and poor printing and storage. Load modern film in a N75 and you will get pretty decent pics.So, you'll have to artificially age your films.