Digital Slr camera? Low on cash?

I've been wanting to buy an Slr for a while now but saving that much money isn't as easy as it should be when your a college studen and everything. So I have around 350 to 400 $. I would like a canon or nikon but I'm open minded. Links are always helpful!

Look for a good used Nikon D80, D200 or D70 with standard zoom lens on craigslist in a city near you

I agree with "Foto Ace", above - he is THE expert in this category.
However, I suggest you consider a used FILM camera as well. You can get incredibly nice film cameras for your price range. I'm hoping to buy a local fellow's Nikon F5 for $400 as soon as I have the funds. This is a world-class 35mm SLR that is tough as nails. You can also get a Canon EOS-1v (also world-class) for about $500 US used in good condition. I'd buy from a reputable place to be certain you aren't getting a broken camera. Film still trumps digital for quality, but you can take a lot more images with digital so you have to make that decision. As to the used DSLRs mentioned the D200 is the most advanced - I've used one and liked it but I'm incredibly fussy and am waiting for a new NIkon DSLR with the sensor in the D3X in a D700 sized body and am willing to wait for it.

Have a look at Nikon D3000 10.2MP Digital SLR Camera
* 10.2megapixel CCD sensor
* 11-point autofocus system,
* Fast response, Guide mode,
* 3-inch TFT,
* 3 fps continuous shooting allows you to capture fast-moving action at 3 frames per second

You can find brand new Nikon D90 for under 200$ here: