Nikon SLR Cameras

Camera buying advice?


I'm in need of a little help choosing a camera for my sister for Christmas. Any experienced camera buyers help would be much appreciated. I don't really know what brand to go for, like nikon, fuji, canon, etc. So if you could tell me if there's much difference between them i'd be grateful to know.

anyway, the requirements;
- must be dslr (that comes with a lense)
- can record video as well as take pictures
- can range from landscape pictures to macro
- flash
- optical zoom
- preferably comes with a memory card (2gb minimum)
- that can link up to an apple as well as a mac via usb
- doesn't have batteries but is charged by a dock or mains
- doesn't cost more than £280


Buying a DSLR on a tight budget is problematic, because nobody really tells you just how much other gear you will need/want on top of the camera.

Even if/when you DO find a DSLR plus lens in your price range, there will always be way more expenses ahead. YOUR budget is way too low even for second hand gear.

You'll want and/or need a few other things such as tripod, filters, a bag, sensor cleaning gear, a second battery, memory cards, perhaps a remote shutter release etc.

That's just the small stuff - I can guarantee you that you'll also want more lenses. You'll probably buy cheap ones at first, then regret that, then start saving for the good quality ones, instead.
You'll also want a decent flash some day.

See how that list just goes on and on?
Owning a DSLR isn't cheap - at least not until you have built up a nice stash of gear. When you look at an advertised kit price, you do NOT see all the other gear that need/want with it.

Just some food for thought… I'm not trying to talk you out of this, just trying to be helpful in case you haven't thought about all this yet.
Actually… I probably should talk you out of this. Please don't start abusing me for saying this, but I can tell by your question that you really have NO clue about this, which means you will end up regretting your purchasing decision.
DSLRs are quite an investment, and should NOT be bought until you know what you're talking about.