Nikon SLR Cameras

Between nikon and canon DSLR camera?


For about 3 years.i've been using canon 1000D. This camera is suitable for a beginner,
now, i wanted to buy a new dslr camera. I already know how to use dslr camera.
which one should i buy? What model is the best? Canon or nikon is the best?


One of my photographers I use uses all Canons, not sure of the models but the three he has are all top notch new ones. HD video, which uses a lot of storage, yet great quality. Photos he takes are great.

Jim A
Jim A

I also own a 1000D and have excellent results with it. I'd actually say you'd be better off buying some new lenses for your camera. Above 10mp you won't ever notice the difference on a computer screen anyway so why change bodies unless you need video.

If video is what you're after I'd suggest another camera I own the eos t1i 500D. It's excellent at both stills and video but you know what, on my computer screen, I can see much difference in the still shots.

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

Since you already have a canon, I suggest you stick with canon. But why would you need to upgrade? The 1000D is just as capable as the 550D or higher, it is a matter of how you use it. I suggest you invest in new lenses instead, they can expand what you can shoot and you will have more fun

unless there's something specific on another camera you need, don't upgrade.

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

If you've invested in canon equipment you'd better stick with canon. If all you own is a 1000d and a 18-55 you should look at the nikon as well and make a decision based on what you prefer. There's no overall best.