Best place to buy lenses at reasonable price?

I'm looking into purchasing a nikon 24-70 lense. It's expensive enough, so I was wondering if any place such as eBay, amazon, etc. Is a safe bet if I can find it cheaper there.

Amazon is safe
Ebay is much less so!
I would buy a £1000+ item from Amazon with no doubt at all. With Ebay I start to worry at £100!

If you're looking for a deal and don't mind used lenses, a number of large photo shops online sell used equipment. KEH specializes in used equipment, I think it's all they sell, and they are reputable ( B&H ( and Adorama ( also sell used equipment. Also, some of the places that rent lenses also sell them. You can probably get better prices on Ebay, but as someone else mentioned, you always run a risk there. However, some of these companies do also sell on ebay, in particular I know Adorama and Cameta Cameras sell there, and do provide some degree of warranty and/or return policy for items purchased through their Ebay listings.
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