Best entry-level dslr?

SO I was thinking the Canon Rebel xs, but apparently they're really heavy?
Should I go with Nikon?
What one has a good kit-lens?
My budget is around $500 +
Ugh help me.

Go to ebay, that's where i got mine. I know more about Nikon's so i went with one of those, the Nikon D80 is a good entry level dslr, i got mine for around 400$ on ebay, then bought a lens off there separately. The Nikon D40 isn't bad either. There's a few that you could get for that price range, just keep looking. A good lens to get is the stock lens 18-200mm for a little over a 100$ on ebay,
And if you have a few questions about a camera you're debating on just research it.
hoping that's a little help.

If you can hit $650, the Nikon D3100 is a good idea. This is a full fledged SLR, probably the best entry level SLR on the market. It will come with a good kit lens. The Nikon kit lens are excellent.
For 500 budget:
A different idea, is to get a high quality non-SLR camera, like the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ100. This will give you great results, without the need to mess around with lens like an SLR.
Yet another idea, is to get a high quality compact like the Canon G12, also about 500.
You need to decide if you really want an SLR. If you do, get a good one. You can get the same image quality with the other options I mentioned.
Good luck, it's a tough choice and you will get a million opinions here.
Just a few notes. A D80 is not an entry level camera. It's an outdated, advanced amateur level. If you must, get a used D90, if you want to spring for this level.
A Nikon 18-200 is not a kit lens, it's an expensive (over $600) lens. Do NOT get an offbrand 18-200 lens.

There's no 'best'. Usually, a heavier camera is the sign of a better camera (means better build quality, at least that has been my experience with canon eos cameras). But what's best for one person may not be the best for someone else.
Nikon and Canon are both reputable makers. You can't really go wrong with either one. People always make such a big deal between the two, when in the end it's really up to your skill.