Battery location in the Nikon F?

I got this lovely Nikon F from my grandmother but, I don't know a whole lot about it. I haven't the slightest clue where the batteries would go, our what sort it'd need (though I understand 1.5v batteries could work). Any help is much appreciated!

Search the bottom of the camera for any signs of openings.

As far as I know, it doesn't need one. The Nikon F doesn't have a built-in lightmeter.
As far as the bottom of the camera is concerned, you pull the whole thing out together with the back to load the film.

Unless you have a Photomtic head, you don't need batteries.

The Nikon F was a classic workhorse all-mechanical camera what was on my wish list when I first got into 35mm photography. As such, the basic camera body never had a battery, since there were no electronics.
However, Nikon updated the F with a series of Photomic heads, each containing a light meter that read the light from the subject image.
If you need the replacement battery, then use this, as the mercury batteries originally spec'd for the Photomic head are now banned.

If it is truly a Nikon F (first produced 1959, until late 1960s) then it is an entirely mechanical canera not needing batteries. If there's a prism with meter built-in (a later accessory addition) then the prism will contain the battery, so look at the pentaprism on top of the camera - the battery would be a 'button' battery about half an inch across and very shallow, like a button, so look for a cover about that size, probably with a slot for a coin to undo it. Depending on type such batteries may be difficult to get hold of these days. But indeeed there may be no need for a battery if it is a basic Nikon F with no meter in the prism.