Location in London and People?

First Name: Mark
Last Name: Williams
City Name: London
Address: 48West George Stress Glasgow London G2 1BP.
Country Name: United Kingdom.
Phone Number: +447024067734
i saw his ad in the internet that he is selling nikon d90, if there's anyone near the location, can i ask for a favor to check if this address and person really does exist and if i can trust this seller.
can any one help me?

Glasgow is in Scotland, no where near London
G2 1BP is the site of Glasgows Queen Street railway station
the phone number is a mobile.
This is too dodgy for words- don't send this person any money!

Ha, ha. If you are going to try and scam someone at least try to get your cover right!
As the first poster said, London is in England, Glasgow is in Scotland. Keep well away from this idiot.

This does not make sense. Glasgow is not London and that is a Glasgow postcode. Leave London out of it and the address certainly exists http://www.businesspad.org/uk18_business68450_MMI-Ltd-48-West-George-St-Glasgow-Lanarkshire-G2-1BP/ and that is a mobile phone number, of course.

Not in London
Glasgow is a major city in Scotland. G2 1BP is a Glasgow postcode and not a London postcode.
Suspect scam, definitely not in London
See link for map of the location.
However the source link: http://www.g12ltd.doodlekit.com/home
suggests this is the company there, but could be dodgy