Am I good enough to become a photographer? Do I have potential?

I took these all on a nikon p100, but recently bought a canon d500.
Please leave your thoughts and comments. AND i know I need to work on composition…
I love the art of photography but doesn't know how my photos actually look to someone different. Please tell me.

You have some good images on your flickr account, well done. I teach photography and you certainly show promise. The key to becoming a pro photographer is control and understanding. You need to be able to produce images on command and to do this you need understanding and control. You are using composition in your images but you may not be aware of it. You need to stop and stand back and start to become aware of what is happening within your images.
Like I said we teach photography and up to a Pro level, have a look at our website and let me know if I can give you any other advice.
All the best

I do think you have potential, you just need to shoot a LOT! The best thing you can do to improve is to take photos whenever you can. Some of your shots I do like, especially 'Rows of Color'. As you photograph more, it might be beneficial to you to figure out what you like shooting most, and work more on that. Developing a niche gives you an area of specialization and can make you sought after, you just need to spend more time developing your skills. I really hope you keep at it!

Yes, you are good enough and the potential is based upon your interest & the motivations.
You've bought a d500 or d600, it was d600 in your previous question.

YOu have the potential. Make sure you learn photography really well and shoot lots of pictures. I think you can become a photographer if that is what you would love to do.