Nikon SLR Cameras

Advice on how to proceed


HI I've been dating this guy for three months and a couple of weeks back he said could we put our relationship on hold whilst he sorts some things out. I know about these things and I agree they need to be sorted before we can build a proper relationship together. I said I wouldn't contact him but leave him to contact me. I didn't hear from him for the first five days then on the weekend (of New Years Eve) he was phoning and texting me non stop. He has decided to take up photography (my major hobby) and was looking for advice on cameras. He said he wants to get a Nikon too and we can share lenses.
Since Sunday afternoon he has gone all quiet again and I haven't heard from him all week. Should I contact him or leave him be? I'm beginning to feel this is a one sided agreement where I'm waiting for him and am starting to feel a little bit irritated by it.
What do you think I should do?


You should wait and observe more, then decide.

Alasdair Wright
Alasdair Wright

Be bold.
Drop him

He is using you.

If he was at all genuinely sincere, he would have stepped forwards on his own accord. And done something constructive, that is, keep in contact with you.

Sincerity is major.
Immaturity is stupidity.