Nikon SLR Cameras

Why canon camera lens are better than sony and nikon?


Why canon camera lens are better than sony and nikon?


The only reason that Canon lenses are best for me is that I have a Canon camera so Sony and Nikon won't fit!

All 3 make fantastic lenses. At any given focal length one may be better than the rest but overall I would say honours equal!


Who says this?

For the most part they are very similar in performance. Nikon generally have better sensors than Canons and are less noisy in low light, but for most people they won't notice any obvious differences. Some Sony cameras have very good sensors.

Both Canon and Nikon have a wide selection of lenses, Sony less so.


And you believe that because?

Land Shark
Land Shark

Canon 'L' series maybe, but the regular lenses are very much on a par with those of other manufacturers, including third party makers who often get contracts to make lenses for the big companies.
In a business sense the larger sellers like Canon and Nikon have most to lose if they get their quality control wrong, so they should be more focused on consistent good quality.


They're not. They're quite the same. Canon has the L series while Nikon has the ED. They are not exactly the same, I know, but build quality wise, they're both there. Sony is easy. They have Zeiss lenses.

Want better? Be prepared to lose all automatic functions then. Since the most critical part of the lens is the glass, the best lenses do away with such automated features.


They're not - but nobody can accept that.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

They aren't.


They don't, period.

And for flyingtigerUk… Do you know why Nikon has good sensors? Because they are the same sensors that Pentax uses, and they are made by Sony. Nikon does not make their own sensors.