Teens: Which would you get FIRST?

So I'm torn between a THING I really want and a PET I really want. The thing I really want is the Canon Rebel t4i! I'm not THAT into taking pictures, because I've never really had a 'professional' camera (one that costs over $400). I always use my iPod. The reason I'm kind of iffy on this thing, is because I really want the pet PLUS my moms roommate (and mine, technically) has a Nikon d5100 that he says I can use whenever, so if I do really need to use a camera, I know he will let me use his.
The pet I want is a hamster. I know this might be weird cause I'm 14, going on 15 in November, but I've never had one. I've owned a gerbil when I was really little, but I don't remember much except I wasn't responsible and my mom wasn't any help, so the poor little guy lived in a Kritter Keeper and only had a food bowl and water bottle (I do believe) and the bottle leaked like crazy so I think he got sick and died… Anyways, now that I'm responsible, I know I will take GREAT care of this guy. I won't get him until I have at least $500 saved up (including $200 for emergency vet bill money). I will also use my own allowance for his bedding and food. I get $80 a month so I know I'll definitely have enough plus I might even get him an extra new toy or two.
Another bit of info about wanting a hamster: I have a cat, but the thing is, the place I'm living at now already has two cats (since my mom and I have two other roommates, one for each of them) and I know my cat won't get along with them so he has to live at my grandmas. I terribly miss having a pet to take care of, that relies on me, which is another HUGE reason I want the hamster.
So anyways, after all that information, which one would YOU get first in my situation? I'm definitely eventually going to get both, it will just take a long while since I have to wait until November just to get one.
Added (1). How does wanting a pet, but also wanting a camera say anything about me not being ready? I'm more than ready for a hamster. I just really want something else, too. Like I said, I'm going to get both, eventually, I just don't know which to get first, so I'm not 'debating' which one to get. Since I'm definitely getting both.
Added (2). @LocoCoco - You're the second person to ask me that. One of them is my best friend… YES, people take hamsters to vets. I hate when people ask that. You take cats or dogs to vets to, right? Hamsters aren't any less living then a dog or a cat. You don't just let the poor little guy suffer.

Haha people take hamsters to the vet? I'd get the camera, hamsters shouldn't cost that much money. Hamsters are boring, you can't do anything with them and they are tiny. Plus they smell.


In all honesty, if you're debating between a living being and a material item, you're probably not ready to have the living hamster. What happens when something else comes along? You might forget about the poor lil' guy.
I like you. You regard all pets as worthy of equal treatment.

Get the hamster. I had one and the are the most affectionate loving little guys. I had Teddy Bear hamsters and if you want to go with something you San cuddle and love, get them. They are fat fluffy, and soft.
Hope I Helped!

Please don't get a hamster. You may want one now, but remember it will be your responsibility to look after it for the next 1-5 years, and you'll probably loose interest in it at some point in the future.
- Teens which would you rather have for christmas?
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