Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon or Cannon is better?


Nikon or Cannon is better?


Depends on if you want to take photos or blow stuff up. Nikon makes cameras, a cannon is an artillery piece.

If you mean Canon the other camera company… The answer is neither. They, and Sony and Pentax and now Samsung and several others, all make the same stuff. Which one is best for YOU is up to you to decide.

Gaurav Mndhr
Gaurav Mndhr

According to my view the best brand between Nikon and Cannon, cannon is best quality it have better capture quality.


Ah, the good ol' Nikon vs Canon debate. This is as similar to asking, which brand of car is better, Honda or Toyota.

Well for starters, you should try to handle both cameras and see what you prefer. Typically, there's always going to be that brand that stands out to you and once you finally get to utilize it, in all its functions, you will immediately realize what you like and don't like.

From my experience, I started off using Canon (SLR AE-1, DSLR XS, XSi, T2i). After awhile, I got bored and wanted to tried something new and took an interest with Nikon. I have my reasons for trying other brands and in some cases, one may outperform or excel in areas of its use, but by all means-these are my personal experiences with the camera. Therefore, yours will be just as different or similar.


If you want to shoot cannon balls, you need a cannon.

If you are interested in shooting photos, you need to look at the professional reviews of Nikon and Canon cameras here

If you want to compare the sensors in Nikon and Canon cameras, you need to visit this website.

If you want to see which camera fits your hands the best, you need to visit a proper camera shop


Cannons don't take pictures because Cannons go BOOM

Cannon By Definitions -
(1) A large mounted piece of artillery
(2) A large, heavy gun formerly used in warfare
(3) An automatic gun on an aircraft
(4) An automatic heavy gun that fires shells from an aircraft or tank
(5) A cannon is any piece of artillery that uses gunpowder or other usually explosive-based propellants to launch a projectile. Cannon very in caliber, range, mobility, rate of fire, angle of fire, and firepower, different forms of cannon combine and balance these attributes in varying degrees, depending on their intended use on the battlefield.

What Cannon is according too what Wikipedia

What Canon is according too what Wikipedia

A huge difference between the two.

This type of question gets asked about which Camera Manufacture, Camera Model is better, recommended, or "Which One I Should Get" far too often.

It comes down to personal preference where some may like how Nikon feels in their hands or how the layout of the Nikon Cameras are. Vice Verse on Canon Cameras.

Nikon fans would be saying to get Nikon. Same thing with Canon Fans where they would be saying to get Canon.

So otherwise it all comes down to personal preference.


I doesn't matter. You'll be fine with either. Going Canon might be a little cheaper though. As for me, my deciding factor was my dad. He had nikon equipment, so I went with nikon so I can borrow his lenses and flash. Maybe your friends one or the other and that might be a deciding factor.


All modern DSLRs are about the same in quality and reliability.
Some prefer Canon (I do) others prefer Nikon or Pentax or other makes.
It's entirely up to you.


Cannon is better.


You know two manufacturers and can't even spell one of them.

I suggest you try evolution, you certainly aren't ready for a camera.


For taking photographs - Nikon
For firing shells - Cannon


I think canon is better, it makes nice printers. For cameras both are great, see which one adapts better to your needs and your price range.