Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon Fe2 or Canon A1?


I'm taking a photography class at my college. We have to get a 35mm film camera. It can have an auto option, but it has to be able to go fully manual as well, and it needs a working internal light meter. I'm a beginner, but this is something I would really like to get into, so I would to get a little better of a camera, not just the "student" model. I've been looking at the Nikon Fe2 and the Canon A1. There's a shop that has them priced the same. Can anyone just tell me the major differences, which do you suggest?

Added (1). Sorry I forgot to say, I don't care about the lenses. It's fine if they can't be used now. Just camera-wise, which is better?


That is easy. The Nikon.


Because the lenses it uses can be used on most Nikon dSLR cameras

If you want a Canon 35 mm, look for an EOS. The old A1 is part of a dead system and the lenses it uses can't be used on any of the new Canon dSLR cameras


For newcomers to photography it's always best to ask for a quick demonstration of equipment before diving in and buying it, both these cameras are decent, they offer high quality and great specification. One camera though will be more appealing to you than the other, it might feel more comfortable to hold and you might find the controls easier to access and operate.

I'm not criticising you personally, but I honestly can't understand why these questions get asked about cameras… Which one is best etc? What is best for me, doesn't mean that it's the best option for you.

My personal choice would be Nikons FE2 it has a better build quality than the Canon and is more rugged… It is heavier though. The Canon A1 is one of the few cameras that I never had the pleasure of using… I always wanted one though… And it would be a lot of fun… As long as all the electronics check out. And everything is in good order. You honestly couldn't make a bad decision with either - just pick the one that you prefer.

Whatever you decide… Enjoy!