My Nikon FE2 camera?

I just got a Nikon FE2 from my uncle and just wondered if anyone has any tips on how to take nice photos (I have B and W film and colour)

Orphan cameras will have a pdf.manual you can download.
I assume he's shown how how to hold it, so start off using Aperture Priority (automatic) at around f5.6 with a roll of colour film just to get the hang of it.
Remember, focus is manual with this camera, but it's a cracker once you get used to it.
Oh yes, and at this stage, always use the highest shutter speed possible.

Very good camera, especially if you have a Nikon lens to go with it.
Make sure to take time with your shots. Use a tripod if necessary.
Have you looked into IR film? Very interesting, but remember IR focuses slightly differently.
Older lenses at least have an IR focus point.

One important thing to remember is, the FE2 is different to a modern compact camera. It's a lot more responsive but you have to really work it hard. Kinda like a classic sports car. You may be unfamiliar with many concepts of photography, so it's probably a good idea to read an introductory book into photography, there are many, and a trip to a charity shop should be able to provide you with a suitable book.
The book should tell you all you need to know as using semi-manual/manual cameras follow the same concepts, whether you're using a 1930's TLR or the latest Canon 1DX.
Here is a link to a PDF version of the manual: and it may be a good idea to print it off and keep it with you, as you may need to know which button/dial does what at any time.
There's very little else to say, if you want constructive help it may be worth joining the local photography club.