Nikon D3100 Water-Proof HOUSING/CASE?

So, I'm going to go to Disney World with my family in the Summer 2013, and I'm planning on purchasing the Nikon D3100. However, since I will be visiting Disney World, there will be some water rides. I plan on taking my camera on majority of rides, and film.So, I was wondering if there was any waterproof case, or anything for a cheap price. I'm a beginner, therefore I do not have ANY experience… Thanks & Have a great day!

Sure they have waterproof cases for most anything.
But, if this is your only use for it, I'd put it in a zip loc bag.

Waterproof cases for DSLRs are expensive - typically costing more than the camera itself. And such a case will make the camera fairly bulky. As well, there are typically restrictions prohibiting the use of DSLRs on rides due to safety reasons (you can drop it on someone below, bang it into your face, and so on).
If you want to take ride photos - especially roller-coaster or thrill rides, consider either a mini-camera, such as a GoPro Hero, Sony Action Cam, or Contour. These cost anywhere from $150 to $400, and if you stay at the low end, it might be a low cost solution. And since most of these cams have attachment headbands, they can also be hands-free. And they typically include a waterproof case, so there's no issues in getting them wet.
Realize though that none of the mini-cams take decent still photos - they are usually only useful for taking video of high-energy, extreme environments; especially from the photographer's point-of-view.
The other solution is an underwater compact camera, such as the Nikon AW110, Canon D20, etc.
For the best solution; albeit expensive (but still cheaper than a housing), is to have 2 cameras. Use the D3100 for still photos and video when you are not on the rides, but use one of the mini-cams for the rides.