Nikon SLR Cameras

Have a Meade Solaris telescope, want to attach a Nikon dslr camera. Does anyone know?


Meade Solaris telescope was a gift 2005, want to attach a Nikon dslr 3200, does anyone know what is needed?


No such models listed on Meade's website, but no big deal. They have a pretty small selection of accessories for photography, but these may work for you: and more specifically

The one thing missing is a Nikon F to T-mount adapter. Easy enough to find. Here's one: and don't mind the name, it has nothing to do with anything.

If their adapter piece won't work for your particular scope, then there are other ways… You mount the camera behind the eyepiece on an adjustable platform, but such a rig may be too heavy if your scope is a smaller/beginner size model. As an example: and again the brand name doesn't have much to do with it… Other than show that Celestron is better equipped for this sort of thing.


You have asked this question twice. Being able to connect a camera to a telescope and being able to actually capture a useful image are two entirely different things. Unless you are only interested in daylight terrestrial images or perhaps lunar images, don't waste your money.

Telescopes in that price class were simply not designed for photography. It may not be possible to balance the telescope with the added weight of a camera. Even if you could do that, the telescope won't track well enough for you to get a decent exposure of more than a second or two.

The bottom line is to save your money for a real telescope.