Nikon SLR Cameras

Why won't Dragonframe recognise that my Nikon camera is connected to the computer


HI, I have rented a Nikon D3100 to do an animation project but when I connect it to my computer with the USB cable the programe only picks up my Imac desktop camera (which I can't disconnect).

Does anyone know how to solve this? URGENT!


Remove the memory card and insert it into the card reader on your computer.

Copy all the images to your computer to a new file folder named for the subject and date.

This is what those of us who have been using digital cameras have been doing for over a decade.


Spend $6.00 and buy a memory card reader, you will use it the rest of your life! Camera to computer cords are notorious for this. Skip the cord and use a memory card reader. Keep trying to use the camera to computer cord and you might as well reserve a bed in your towns mental hospital!