Nikon SLR Cameras

Which Nikon camera do you like best?


Nikon D300s, Nikon D610, or Nikon D600.

Tell me why the one you picked is your favorite.

Jim A
Jim A

I'm a Canon guy so I won't guy Nikon. But, if I was going to it would be a dslr.

Awffy Huffy
Awffy Huffy

I'd go for the D300s, the D300 offers the spec and performance that I expect from a camera… It's also trusted by pro's.

What other people prefer in a camera shouldn't affect your choice… That isn't a good way to select a camera… You need to work out what specifications are important to how you actually would use your camera… Photographers are all different, what suits me doesn't mean that it's the best choice for you. Only you can decide what's the best way to go.

The D300 is due to be replaced by a new model it's not as new as the D610… Here's a link to the 'You Tube' reviews to give you an idea of the 'spec'.


I own an FE - not a bad piece of kit, but I've handled better.

Given the choice, I'd continue to shoot with Pentax, as I have for 30 years.


What are your goals?

I currently use a Nikon D300 and D3 to shoot all my assignments.

One is a full frame (D3) and the other is a cropped frame (APS-C) camera I use when I need the extra reach.

The D610 is an entry level full frame Nikon dSLR and it certainly can produce amazing images, but you have to have the necessary skills to do that.

If you buy a good used Nikon D300 and learn how to use it, later you can buy a full frame camera like the D610 and all the lenses you will have purchased for the D300 will work perfectly on the D610.

Take baby steps and learn the fundamentals of photography before you spend a lot of money on a full frame dSLR