Nikon SLR Cameras

What is your opinion about Nikon D7000?


What is your opinion about Nikon D7000 image quality and other


Even though it has been replaced by the D7100, it is still a top-notch camera, one of the best cropped DSLRs you can buy.

Image quality it top notch, and it has features and specifications that the entry level DSLRs can't touch. Especially fast is it's low shutter delay - which is significantly faster than entry level Nikons.

You can't go wrong by buying a D7000.

However, that is only half of the story… You also need good lenses to do the D7100 justice. Otherwise you will not be getting the performance you paid for. I would highly recommend buying the D7100 as a body only, then buying either the Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8 or Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 as your "normal" lens.

Either of those lenses are a good complement to the D7000.

You can also consider the D7100. I own this camera, and the removal of the anti-aliasing filter in the D7100 results in tack sharp photos. Of course, the same thing about buying good lenses goes for the D7100 even more so than the D7000.