Nikon SLR Cameras

Trouble opening JPG?


I've recently taken photo's with my Nikon D3200 camera in the setting FINE. But when I went to open them on my computer a message came up saying could not open file because it may be damaged, corrupt or to large. I really need these photo's and it won't let me view them any more on my camera. Is there anything I can do or any setting I can change to be able to view and edit them?


Sounds like they are corrupted. Try some of the below recovery programs.

Crim Liar
Crim Liar

You need to transport these images to another computer to see if they will open there. JPG images taken on cameras tend to be "vanilla" that is they use standard encoding and everything else they can to make them compatible. If they can't be read it's either a problem with the media (memory card), or with your computer and not the camera!

Is it possible that you've actually taken these in Canon's CR2 format, which is it's version of RAW. If so then you just need to download the viewer extension from the Canon website!


The picture is gone.

Corrupted pictures are a result of damaged memory cards. When was the last time you formatted your memory card? Ideally, you should format before starting a shoot and copy everything to the computer at the end of the day.