Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon D3000 program mode?

Devanie Ferry
Devanie Ferry

When I try to use the command dial to change the aperture or shutter speed when I'm in program mode, it doesn't change it, but I get the little star telling me it's not on the recommended value anymore… How are you supposed to tell what settings your at?!


Look through the view finder. At the bottom, you will see green text which displays the aperture and shutter speed. When in Program mode, and you turn the selector dial (Flexible Program feature, see page 68 in your manual), the shutter speed and aperture will change and maintain proper exposure. This is a quick override adjustment for those situations where you don't want to change modes and fiddle with adjustments. It's not something you normally use unless you are short on time.

If using live view, you will see the aperture and shutter speed numbers change on the screen when you rotate the selector dial.

If you really want to shoot at a certain shutter speed or aperture, then use the S (shutter priority, page 69) or A (aperture priority, page 70) modes, or even manual mode (page 71).


Look through the viewfinder. All the current settings are there. If you don't know what you're looking at, consult the manual. If you don't have the manual, get one at Nikon's website.

That star may have a different meaning that what you are thinking of. Check the manual again. If you really want to use your own settings, use M mode.

Jim A
Jim A

Obviously it was too much trouble to read or download the owner's manual. You'd be surprised how much information and knowledge you can gain.

In the first place manual settings are not available in the program mode. They're only available in
shutter, aperture and full manual.

And you're so worried about your settings why? In program you're basically, except for a few functions, in full auto so worrying about your settings makes no sense.

If you ever learn to properly operate this camera you'll understand. Until then who knows.


Wow, what a complete bunch of asses. I have a D40X and a D5300 and neither camera shows any changes when spinning the command wheel in either the view finder or the LCD screen. The cameras may be doing something behind the scenes but it certainly isn't shown to the user. And yes, I've read both manuals.