Is the Nikon D3100 good? - 1

So I'm getting a DSLR camera because I love photography and film making and I've seen the Nikon D3100 which I'm thinking of getting. So it is good and useful and work well etc? What do you think of it?

It is an excellent, fully adjustable camera.
All you have to do is learn how to use it.
Here are some links that will help

It's a decent entry level camera. But you can't make films with a digital camera.
I believe HD video is limited to 5 minutes. Lower quality under 30 minutes.
The main use of this camera is for stills, not videos.

What does that mean? It was an excellent camera the day it was first introduced and it's still an excellent camera. Just because there's new models would you think this would suddenly be bad?

Any camera can only be as good as its user. The D3100 is a dSLR. It has all the controls needed to grab a picture. Knowing what to do with those controls is the key to maximizing the use of a dSLR. If you will just use it in full Auto mode all the time, you will get results very similar to a much cheaper point-and-shoot camera.

I also considered getting the Nikon D3100, but it was a little bit out of my price range, and plus, someone I know who got it, said it was very hard to figure out how to use. So I got the D3000 and I'm very happy with it. It's good enough that it is called professional, yet it's not so professional that it can't be used for everyday use. It has a very good price, and it has been very easy so far to figure out how to use. The picture quality is great, and as I mentioned, very easy to use. Mine came with a DVD and that helped a lot in learning how to help. Good luck in whatever you decided! I'm sure the D3100 is more professional than the D3000 but for me, the D3000 is good enough…

It's a good entry level DSLR and will definitely get you some good photographs. That said if you're looking for film you'll probably be a bit disappointed as it is quite limited in that regard. Though to get a truly good DSLR for recording film you'd probably have to jump up quite a bit on price point so it's a tough call.
I'm not sure how much more expensive the D5100 is but it has a few added benefits for video recording like the tilt screen LCD which makes low angles a lot easier to handle and might be worth looking at.

It is a decent entry level DSLR. I started off with the D3000 and loved it. Down the road you will want to upgrade.

It's actually a very decent camera, and according to reviews, it's a good choice for beginners. Here's a link if you want a good review for it: Good luck!

Great product my friend. I strongly recommend you get it. In fact I got mine on Amazon is the site for you:

An all around dslr will do all that youll ever need the only thing is that it will texcord i'm 15 minutes clips only and you don't have full controll of the flash in auto mofe
I will sugest to buy the all in one lens from other mamufactuterd to avoid the switching of lenses.

There's a self timer. However, to solve the problem of focusing on where you are going to be, get a Nikon ML-L3 infrared remote.
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