How many photos can I take with a 32 GB memory card?

I just got a Nikon D3200 and it is 24.2 megapixels. I bought two 32 GB memory cards for it cause from what I tried to google, it says that it depends on how many mpx the camera is?

RAW plus jpg - around 1600
max resolution jpg around 6000

I have 12 magapixel Sony Camera. With best quality Image of size 5 m.b. And there are 1024 mb in A G.b… So 32 X 1024= 32768 divide by 5 = 6553 Picture.

If you shoot in the lowest quality JPEG, literally thousands.
If you shoot RAW plus JPEG fine (which some people do), then you'll still probably get several hundred on one card, so if you have two cards you'll still have to be shooting indiscriminately in order to fill them both.
Short answer: enough, unless you're a full time sports shooter.

Depends how many mega pixels it has and what type you shoot e.g JPEG, RAW, JPEG + RAW etc.

In the instruction booklet that came with the camera, there should be a guide as to how many photos a card will hold, at different resolutions.
At least, Canon always show this and I'm sure Nikon must do too.

Here is from your manual. Page 188. Just multiply by 4
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