Nikon SLR Cameras

Cheaper cameras similar to?

Cassie L
Cassie L

Are there any great cheaper cameras for filming short films similar to the EPIC Red Cameras? They are nearly $20, 000 and I really love the cinematic look, and how they film, but I just don't have the money. Any cameras that look professional for films? Thanks!

I already have a Canon T4i Rebel, and a Nikon D3200.


None of the cameras you mention have anything to do with film.

Brian M
Brian M

No, there are no professional cameras such as the RED that you will be able to justify buying.
Obviously you do have the money- and equipment- for making films. Why can't you use your already expensive DSLRs? The T4i and D3200 are great for making short films. All the "cinematic effects" are added in post-processing.

Don't be a consumerist who thinks you need a $20, 000 camera to make a good film. It's the operator and his lenses that make a good film, not the camera.


Get a high end lens for either camera (probably canon for better video support). Make sure the lens has some kind of ultra sonic or super sonic motor of some kind. It needs to be quiet.

I would also buy some stabilizing system / support/rig system so that the camera does not shake so much when you move with it.

Check out BHphotovideo or KEH websites and look for good deals.

Jim A
Jim A

First Cassie, if you're actually going to consider spending that kind of money on a camera you should at least know your terms. The Red is a digital camera - it does not use film. Hollywood is getting away from film so unless you want to sound really dumb among these people, use the proper terms.
Digital cameras record video.

To answer your question, no, these cameras took a long time to develop and are very expensive. Actually by this kind of quality standard $20, 000 is really cheap. Most of the cameras they're using now for Hollywood movies are at least $50, 000 each… And that's with no lenses or accessories.

Any camera that look professional for "films"? What does that mean. 16mm and 35mm film cameras yes but not digital cameras below $20-thousand or so. Besides it's pretty obvious there's lots about this business you don't understand. Cinematic look? Do you understand anything about lighting? If not know this, the guys who light for that look have been doing this for decades. Light is a major part of that look. Do you know anything about shooting to get that look? Same thing, those guys have been at this for decades. Seems to me you want everything yesterday but it doesn't work like that.
If you're serious about this business be prepared for many, many years of school, working under the chief cinematographer and then when you're in your 40's you may get the opportunity to actually shoot for that cinematic look. If you think I'm kidding or putting you on about all this, look it up. There aren't any kids shooting Hollywood movies - none. Get with the program, do some serious reading and then come back with an Intelligent question or two.

So bottom line… Unless you've bot around $30-grand lying around in petty cash you'll never get near a Red + lenses + accessories.