A thing or two about sports photography?
I have recently started taking photographs for a football club and whilst the photos are decent during the day. The photos are completely blury at night. I own a Nikon D3200, anything I can do?
Your camera is fully capable of shooting sports.
What I guess you do not know is how to use the cameras lightmeter. At night, you would have seen that either the images were going to be grossly underexposed or that the shutter speed was too low to capture action.
Here is a sample of a night game shot using a 12 mp sensored camera, at ISO 3200, shutter speed of 1/500th second at f/2.8 The lens was the Nikkor AF-S 300 mm f/2.8
.html? Sort=3&o=19
You just do not have the right lens to shoot night sports. Your camera is fine.
The reason your pictures are blurry at night is because your camera uses a longer shutter speed to compensate for lack of light. The best way to fix this would be to purchase a lens has a larger aperture (lower f numbers). Otherwise, for now make sure you are shooting in Tv mode(sometimes called S mode), which allows you to control your shutter speed, if not try shooting in Manual (M) mode and see what results you can get.
Sorry but you need a better camera
You need a faster lens. The cheaper consumer lenses don't have wide enough apertures (especially when zoomed) to get enough light in for a decent shutter speed.
Increasing the ISO will help but you'll get more noise that you'll have to deal with in post.