Nikon SLR Cameras

Am I ugly or just not photogenic?


I'm 16, I do a lot with my camera and honestly, my camera is everything to me as I do have a lot of mental health problems causing me to just not see any friends, ever. Anyway, last night I went to a family-get-together and I asked for a photo of all of us, I use a Nikon D3100.
When I got home, looked at the photos, I noticed everyone looked the exact same except me. I have been ill lately so my face is a little puffy but my eyes look huge, face shape is longer, nose looks crooked and misshaped, and more. I don't know how to fix this… In real, my face (to me) isn't pretty, but its' better than it is in photos! It's smaller, not wide, etc… How do I fix this? I also need to lose weight so that might be it!

Added (1). I'm over critical because of what's happened to me in the past.

Sassie Cassie
Sassie Cassie

If that's you in your profile picture then you are not ugly at all. Most people are not photogenic and it's hard to take a good picture - my sister has a very pretty face but in pictures she always looks drunk. You have to remember that when models pose for pictures it's because they have been trained, they are photogenic, they have the best photographer, loads of makeup, good light and they re-touch the images.

Pixxy 5
Pixxy 5

First you aren't ugly because no one is ugly they are just pretty in their own way you maybe just aren't photogenic that's all
You aren't ugly


Some teens have disorder that they can't see themselves the actual way they look. They see flaws that are not there, this is called distorted body image. Many teens also are overly critically of their body & their looks.

I'm sure you are an average normal pretty teenager.

bubbles AND squid
bubbles AND squid



Omg! Finally someone who's the same as me I'm suffering from looking minging in pics too x

Brigitte Penvellyn
Brigitte Penvellyn

Okay, I don't care about your past. I don't. What annoys me is that you are blatantly fishing for compliments. Just write emo poetry like every other teenager!

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

Smile, Heather, that will help. Never seen a ugly " Heather ".


You're over thinking stuff. Just relax, nothing is wrong with you.