Nikon SLR Cameras

What are the drawbacks of Nikon D5100 compared to 60D?


Pertaining to anything with speed, like buffer time or just anything that will show the camera to be slower. I know there's factors that play into this, like card and lens used.
Let's say I'm using a kit 18-55mm lens, both cameras at ISO of 200, shutter speed of 1/200, and F-stop of 4, and I'm using a Transcend 16GB class 10 card.

Is one of the cameras faster than the other in any way when shooting?

Anything else besides speed that puts the D5100 behind the 60D besides video? (and not just in quality, but I mean something about it's ergonomics or something I'll notice when using).

Also, which one would lose value sooner?


The 60D is technically superior over the D5100 but out in the field they are basically the same. If you handle both cameras, you will get exactly the same picture if you know exactly what you are doing. If fps is that imortant to you then simple get the camera with the faster one.

Handling and ergonomics can be best assessed by yourself with your own hands. I'm allergic to Canon and I don't like the feel of Nikon even if most pros prefer it.

Which will lose value sooner? If you are out there to use your camera as an investment then don't use the camera to keep it's value high. Mind you. Once you purchase a camera, its value drops in half. Opening the box, drops it further. So you can just imagine if you used the camera already.