Nikon SLR Cameras

Sony handycam for youtube?


Hi! I'm just starting a beauty channel on youtube, and I'm looking into getting one of the handycams for filming my videos. I have a few questions:

-How good are these at shooting videos for youtube? I want my vids to look professional and polished, with good sound. The way typical beauty videos by famous bloggers like essiebutton and whatihearttoday look. Not incredibly pro a la missglamorazzi, but good enough for people to want to watch.
-What do i do about audio? Right now i'm recording with a nikon d5000, and the video quality and sound SUCK. I hate hate hate bad audio, and I really want it to be crisp and clean. Would this camcorder do the work for me, or do i need a separate mic?

-does it autofocus during video? I need to be able to hold up swatches, etc and for it to focus without me having to do it manually.

any help would be amazing.

Hunts Alone
Hunts Alone

First off, you're not going to get any professional look with just camera.Pro looks rely on mostly lighting and color correction/grading. An pro could grab an iphone and get actual nice footage. It all has to do with the person operating the camera and if they know what they are doing. That's something that you'll have to study about and play around with yourself.

As for audio, dslr audio sucks. The audio that comes from the mounted mic on a camera sucks. You need an external mic. I have the atr6550 and that's just 50 bucks. It gathers decent audio. It's not something that you want to drop though. And you might want to consider a boom pole, or at least find some way to hold the mic over the people talking. Mic positing is very important. If you get an external mic and mount it on top of your camera, your audio might not suck under certain situations, but that is honestly the worst place to put a mic. Above or below the people as close as it can get before getting into the shot is the best place to put it (above preferably).

Auto focus: I doubt it. (if you are talking about the Nikon) I don't have that camera, but it is designed for photography. Not video. Though it is real nice for its price when it comes to still videos (camera doesn't move, or at least, doesn't move quickly such as a pan or what not). Magic Lantern. Look it up. I'm not entirely sure if it works for that camera (still talking about the Nikon), but it will add some advantages in video taking.

But yeah, I will stress, if you want nice looking video, then look into lighting. Halogen lights are cheap, though heat up, so you'll need to be careful about getting it near anything flammable (even walls or ceilings).


Yes, all the HD sony handycam camcorders are bad**s. You just have to be Alittle be tech'y to get professional look from one. First off, when you first take ANY Sony handcam camcorder out of the box, the video will be abit grainy indoors, but that is only because the Exposure is all whacked up when you first get it. Just lower the exposure, and it will HD, without any grain. Second, Lighting is A BIG part in Videography. So I suggest you buy A camcorder with A built on light on it. OR you can buy a light individually and just add it on the cam. Plus, the white balance is messed upto when you first get A handycam. Its A easy fix though. And if you want the background to be blurred out, and only be able to see your face or body, all you have to do is turn down the focus option abit until the background is blurred, and you have a closeup. And AUDIO wise, The camcorder I have now Has AMAZING audio. It is The "Sony HDR CX 580v", It has a 5.1 HD surround sound mic! Oh, and it also has a built on light, and 1920 x 1080 60p/24p video quality! < REAL GOOD < It is 800 $ bucks though. If you want, you can also add a external mic on top of the camcorder if you want, or even another light. I hope I helped! Took 5 mins to right this! X( You better give me best answer: D