Nikon SLR Cameras

Can't decide of I should upgrade to a Compact or a Dslr?

M.S nan
M.S nan

Well I want to upgrade my Camera and I don't know ıf I should go for a Dslr or a Compact, If I go for a compact I will buy the Fujifilm x20, ıf I go for a Dslr I wıll either get the Pentax k30 or the Nikon d7100, Now I want ıt to be portable and not a hassle to carry, I want a view finder, Now I want ıt to be compact and lıght but I also want to take nıce photos etc. And I don't know my cousins recommend Dslr's but I have my eyes set on the Fujifilm x20, I don't want to worry about lenses, but I'm also worrıed about the battery sıze I hear the d7100 can take 950 photos, that's alot for me: D so what should I do? The Dslrs or the Compact?


The site reference below is the "DP" Review which many of the pros's on this site use. And I think you will find very interesting. I started reading the info but it got a little lengthy for me today. I'll leave that up to you. Your quandary reminds me of my wedding photography days. I had two Mamiya 645 SLR cameras taking film. I also had 3 lenses for these cameras. I sold one and bought a Fuji 645 camera that accepted 120 film and had only one lens-a wide angle. I found I could do close-up of the bride for "misty's" (pictures shot w/ two UV filters screwed together with one having vaseline smeared around the outside with the center left clear). The result was that I abandoned the SLR cameras and purchased another rangefinder (Fuji 645). Fuji is a fantastic product in their higher end cameras.

There's no doubt you will be much more comfortable using the Fuji x20. And the quality of the pictures will rival any DSLR! I will wager on that!
If you were wishing you had more magnification. You might consider adding a nice bridge camera like the Fuji S4500 @$150.00 here in the USA. Based on your questions and the level for which you are going to put your camera or cameras. That is what I would do, the Fuji x20 and the Fuji S4500.
The Fuji S4500 is also going to be ultra compact as opposed to a DSLR. But On the other hand you have to ask yourself how much do you do 11x14's and larger. And to think about it, I'm very sure the Fuji x20 will shine in this regard, where the S4500 will take a little more care in making your shoots.

Good Luck!" rel='nofollow' class='ext_link'>


" portable and not a hassle to carry" - The compact Fujifilm x20 wins hands down.
"viewfinder" - Fujifilm x20 has one
" take nıce photos" - check the examples in the link below.
" I don't want to worry about lenses" - Fujifilm X20 wins.
" worrıed about the battery sıze" - Fujifilm X20 is estimated at 270 pix. Are you going to take more than that in one day? If so, by a backup battery - that's a good idea even if you are not going to be taking 270 pix in one day,

For you, the compact is the way to go.

Sound Labs
Sound Labs

If you go compact, get one with a dSLR size sensor (or nearly so). The Fuji X20 is a nice little camera, but the 2/3 sensor blows in low light at high ISO. In good light it's fine.

I would forget about a dSLR unless you are really serious and dedicated, or plan on making money with it. Millions of dSLRs are collecting dust around the world at home or in the truck of a car. People buy them with the best of intentions, and then get tired of the bag, the extra lens, it's just a pain.

You can bring it with you to many places like concerts. You can sneak a small camera though. If you go dSLRPentax can't be beat right now. So go with the K 30, K 50 or K5 II.

I have a dSLR but when I'm not getting paid, it's at home. I carry a fuji X100 now. That has a huge APS-C sensor, so it destroys the Fuji x10 or 20 and I can defocus the backgrounds more easily. Downside is no zoom, but the upside is amazing image quality.

A sony NEX 6 with OLED viewfinder and the ability to change lenses is a good choice.batteries are cheap so I would not worry about that. I purchased two extra batteries for my Fuji X100 for 20 bucks on amazon. So I always have an extra in my pocket, and they work great.