Nikon SLR Cameras

Amazon Rewards Card good idea?


I'm 22. Have had only 2 30-day past due payments in my life since being 18. They were $50 payments for a fedloan(college). Paid 2k out of 3.5k since 2010. The other loan I have is for my car since 2/2013. Paid every month on time for this payment. Those two past dues were my very first payments for the fedloan in 2010. Been flawless since then. Would opening an amazon card for a purchase of $3400 be okay? Need to take advantage of holiday Nikon savings of $700. I have 950 ready to pay upfront btw
Car payment info: 12.5k left out of 19k total. Did a 66 finance at 4%apr.
Making 400 a week

Beverly S
Beverly S

"Only" 2 30 day lates in 4 years is not good! Mortgage, cars & student loans are the 3 biggies as far as how they hurt or help your scores. Get your card if you want it (if they will approve you). Just pay on time & get rid of the attitude that a few lates don't matter. 1 late can cause a 100 point drop in your score.


Making 400 a week and wanting to buy an expensive toy means you are living above your means. You are already in debt, when you are in a hole stop digging.
Your irresponsible behavior will be on your credit record for more than 7 years. You are at a great risk of having it happen again when you are over extended.
You sound like a child saying only to missing payments on debt and thinking $400 a week is a living where you can pay your rent. Buy food, pay utilities, car payments, student loans and credit card debt. Did you take any math in school at all or do you think your parents want to support you another 5 years or more?


So you people were if no help. I didn't ask you about my credit history. Clearly if I haven't missed a payment since the beginning it means I'm improving it. Cost of living can be met with 400 a week. Sure barely, but it can be done. I have a 401k and pay for my own expenses including insurances. I have the extra cash because i don't pay rent. I maintain the household and do many errands to make up for it. Also pay utlities every other month. 400 a week is nothing why do you think i'm going to school for engineering… Were too quick to jump the gun and be judgemental werent you? Next time i have a finance question i'll ask a jew or my credit union. Middle finger to you both.