I have a nikon d3000 and i inserted a 128gb sd card and it says card full when is a new card thats never been used?

I have a nikon d3000 and i inserted a 128gb sd card and it says card full when is a new card thats never been used? - 1

Did you know that your D3000 camera can only use SD or SDHC cards (32 gb or less in capacity"?
Cards with capacities of 64 gb or larger are SDXC cards and NOT compatible with older cameras, no matter what the brand
You will have to return the card and get the right ones.
This information is in your user manual.

That's an SDXC card. No can do. The D3000 supports only up to SDHC cards putting the maximum at 32GB.

It mat only take SDcards up to 32gb.

Hi so some cards are faulty so take it back and get another one.

READ YOUR CAMERA'S INSTRUCTION MANUAL! I bet you didn't… Or you would KNOW why it's not working and would have gotten the appropriate card.
HOW are you going to know all the features, functions and available options your camera has to offer unless you READ the camera's instruction manual? How do you know what pitfalls to avoid… UNLESS you READ your camera's instructions manual? Guess what? You camera instructions manual offers many, many helpful advice for you to get the best possible results with the camera and lens… READ your camera's instructions manual… I say this to everyone repeated to the point of nagging! You know why? To get YOU to read your camera's instructions manual. So… READ it, You have a very nice camera, why won't you want to read it so you can get maximum use of it?

Your camera can't use SDXC cards, you can only use SD and SDHC cards up to a maximum size of 32Gb.

Your D3000 can't use cards larger than 32GB. The 128GB card has too big of a capacity for the D3000 and can't be used in the D3000.

Sort of a solution: create a FAT32 partition on the card which is 32GB in size (32768 MB). 75% is wasted, but you will be able to use it.
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