Nikon SLR Cameras

Which will be my best pick?


According to my price range and requirement i have suggested few models, as follows

nikon s3100, s2500, l24

sony cybershot w520, DSC-S3000

Olympus VG-110

please suggest me what can i pick, and also add your own opinion and suggestion, that will be valuable for me.


I suggest you use this tool to narrow your choices down,


Nikon S3100 is for you. This camera does have some great features, some of which I have not even had time to use yet. The main draw, however, (other than the size) is that it is simple and easy to use. There are tons of point and shoot cameras out there, and there's no use being snobby over which one you buy, because they all do pretty much the same thing. This one is great for the price. You could get a nicer camera, but for 90% of the people in the market for a digital camera, this will do what you need and want it to, and more.