Which SLR Digital Camera is best for me Canon, Nikon, Sony, Olympus, or Minolta?

I'm taking photography in college and I would like to know which SLR digital camera is the best for school and to start a career with. And should I get two cameras or just one?

Well if family/friends have a brand that you can borrow lenses from time to time, look at that brand first. Your investment will be in lenses not bodies. I would also suggest one body for the moment, but if you are going to do weddings, you need 2 of just about everything (except some lenses). The biggest brands are (in order) Canon, Nikon, Sony (Sony bought Minolta). Any new camera from the big 3 will give you good results (99% of cameras are better than 99% of photographers).
I would also suggest getting a fast 50mm lens (f/1.8 or f/1.4). They are generally cheap to buy (canon f/1.8 is about $100) You can do a lot with them and get great looking photos pretty easily. It will also help you learn hands on quicker in my opinion.

It is said that the best camera is the one you have with you.
I would think that your going to be limited by your budget. Try to find something that you can afford and learn how to use it. It's amazing what Even an inexpensive camera is capable of nowadays.
The physical size of the camera is something that you should consider as well. I use a Canon EOS 5d and that thing is big and it is heavy. Another thing to consider is the lenses that you would want to use. A prime lens is an investment. And as such is pricey. Something to think about.
Don't be afraid of used equipment. Most of the time these cameras were used very little and are in very good condition.
Two cameras are preferred. A larger camera for normal use and a small point and shoot camera for those time you need to take a photo right now.
Edit. I carry with me nearly everywhere and at all times a Canon G10. Fantastic little camera that can practically do everything a larger camera can. Easy to use and fast to set up.

The age old question Nikon or Canon?
I only say that because Sony, Olympus, and Minolta are less commonly able to have a broad range of equipment like the other guy said. I feel like obviously I have a bias given the fact that I'm a die-hard Nikon lover and have been using one for 13 years, but more importantly I use it because the system fits my needs.
The most important thing for you to figure out is what you need/want out of a camera system. You need to do the research that is required when buying something as important as a SLR or DSLR otherwise you might spend money and time getting the wrong equipment or something that doesn't work for what you want. The thing to remember about photography is such a cliche but you can have the most expensive equipment around but if you have no clue what to do with it you won't get very far. Remember to focus more on understanding the camera and what it does and how to really use it to create the images you want.
Hope I could be helpful.

Minolta was taken over by Sony in 2006. All brands mentioned are good. I'm a Nikon man myself.

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