Nikon SLR Cameras

Which one is better Out of Canon eos 600d and Nikon D5200?


Which one is better Out of Canon eos 600d and Nikon D5200?


Right now, the Nikon cameras have the excellent Sony sensors, which are better in terms of dynamic range than Canon's somewhat long in the tooth sensors. The pendulum swings, however. Tomorrow Canon could introduce a camera that blows everybody out of the water. You never know. That's why chasing the latest and the greatest can be frustrating. The good news is that both the 600d and D5200 are excellent cameras that can take award-winning photos in the hands of a skilled user. Your best bet would be to get both of them in your hands and pick the one that feels right.


My choice would be the Canon.
But you should look at both, handle them and decide which feels right for YOU.
What I and others like might not suit you.

Laith A
Laith A

Nikon is much durable and has better features.