Nikon SLR Cameras

Which is a better brand of cameras nikon or canon, in terms of megapixel and price?


Which is a better brand of cameras nikon or canon, in terms of megapixel and price?

Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams


Masticina Akicta
Masticina Akicta

Error Error
Error 8271-38272b-2848-bc "Canon versus Nikon"

Seriously stop asking about Canon versus Nikon they are pretty darn equal when it comes to their DSLR.

Just read reviews of the cameras that you fancy and check the pictures they shoot. And most important go to a store and hold the camera to see if the camera is the right one for YOU



Estaban Gomez
Estaban Gomez

I'm a Nikon user so I would say Nikon. Honestly though this is like comparing a Mac and PC. Which is better. Its all about preferences. If your looking to video work I would say go the Canon way the have a slight edge on Nikon on that. Honestly other than that both are great companies that supply the best. Just gotta find out what you want out of a camera.



You obviously aren't ready for a DSLR if you think there are only two manufacturers and that there's a difference between them.

The entire megapixel argument is also a myth.

You Make My Brain Hurt
You Make My Brain Hurt

Oh good god



Better in megapixels? Price? I'm sure that to every megapixel and price level one brand has, the other has a an equal model to match it.

Vintage Music
Vintage Music

Even in DSLRS I don't see where megapixels should enter the equation for most people.
I'm a Nikon user; however it's a tossup.
For point and shoots there's plenty of very good brands to choose from. Such as Fuji, Panasonic, Olympus, Sony, including Canon and Nikon.

Kay B
Kay B

I have a 16.3 megapixel, HD video shooting, weather proof Pentax K5. I bought it for a little over $1, 000 on a few months ago and I'm in love with it. I took it out in the rain for 5 hours a few weeks ago, and shot perfect photographs. I photographed a music festival for 2 days straight and because of my photographs, I earned my very first press pass for next year's festival.