Nikon SLR Cameras

Which DSLR Camera is Best -Nikon or Canon?


Which DSLR Camera is Best -Nikon or Canon?




Definitely Nikon. Everything is better, well all the professionals use it as far as i know.

Paul Hxyz
Paul Hxyz

Neither. Both make fine cameras. You have to decide what is best for YOU and then make your decision. Saying which one is best is an extremely subjective decision. As to the best one in the world the Phase One P65+ 60 Megapixel camera. It costs around $60, 000 without a lens.

As for me I wouldn't mind having one of each so I could use lenses from both companies. Get what is right for you and ignore everybody else.


They are equally good.
They do the same thing in a slightly different way but are equal performers when comparing equivalent models.
There's tremendous brand loyalty but it is really down to personal preference which system you buy into.
Pros use Nikon/Canon in equal numbers.
I was at a wedding this year covered by 2 pro photographers from the same outfit - one was using Nikon t'other Canon - can't tell the difference in the final photos.

John P
John P

Both are excellent in slightly different ways. You should also look at Sony. I'm a Nikon DSLR user.

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

Technically, best would be Hasselblad, then Leica

between Canon and Nikon, However, choose whatever feels best to you. They are pretty much equals all around

Eric Len
Eric Len

None. Come on, I'm sure you can ask a better question? When buying a car you don't just ask which car is the best right? There are thousands of models.

The best from Nikon is D3x and from Canon is 1Ds Mark III. Both are around $7.000.

Best for semi-pros are the Nikon D5100, D7000, Canon EOS T3i and 60D.

If you're on a low budget then the Nikon D3100 and Canon EOS T2i will be great.

Here's a DSLR Buying Guide -


Canon for me. I love my powershot and I'm thinking the same for their DSLRs.


Both Brands are quite similar and they have pretty good cameras too.


Nikon d3100 is the best


The Best Camera would differ according to its intended purpose
for action or sports canon with EOS-L lenses would be the best
for portraits or landscapes medium format cameras are the best
for the uber-rich hasselblad
all cameras and lenses are made for its specific purpose and they all are best for it.