Which camera would be best for a fashion vlog/blog?

I would need one for both images as well as video.
Deciding between the
Canon EOS Rebel T5
Canon GX7
Added (1). I like the Canon GX7 because of the flip screen and it's compact size but still on the fence.
Added (2). Or should I pay $450 for a used Canon T5i DSLR for better image quality?
Added (3). UPDATE: I ended up purchasing the Nikon D3300 DSLR and couldn't be more in love with the pic quality. I figured instead of paying a ton of money for a point and shoot, I could just spend that same money on an entry level DSLR.

I would need one for both images as well as video.
Deciding between the
Canon EOS Rebel T5
Canon GX7
You need good lights for any type of beauty/fashion video. Make sure you have $200 for a light kit and perhaps $150 for a "Diva Light" or ring of LED lights.
You also need audio recording as on-camera audio is universally bad. Look at the $99 Zoom or Tascam digital audio recorders and perhaps a $30 Movo or Audio Technica lavilear microphone.
Oh - don't forget a tripod. Not an 'idiot tax' $25 toss-in but one that is heavy that you can also add sandbags/weight to stabilize it.
Remember: a DSLR does video as an after-thought. It can't shoot more than 12-15 minutes continous and it takes more expensive accessories.
You might try a Canon Vixia camcorder as a cheaper and better device. Definitely the T5i. Better image quality due to the bigger sensor and the better lenses. You can use lenses with larger apertures to get that blurred background look that's can't be done with cameras using small sensors such as the GX7.
If the subject is moving, the GX7 won't be able to keep in focus.

Definitely the T5i. Better image quality due to the bigger sensor and the better lenses. You can use lenses with larger apertures to get that blurred background look that's can't be done with cameras using small sensors such as the GX7.
If the subject is moving, the GX7 won't be able to keep in focus.